Sermon post: Luke 2.41-52 - Ever lose your kid?
Snow has come to Ohio and it seems each weekend brings a little more. The photo above shows our barred front doors of the church for a few days but it was removed before the next service. We finished up our mini-series through the chapters of Luke 1 & 2 this Sunday. It was great to slow down and take a deep dive into the events and people associated with Jesus' first coming. Luke and all of his details informed us of 3 angel appearances; helped us triangulate with historical figures the time frame of Jesus' birth; brought to light near and far prophecies; supplied witnesses with the final two being Simeon and Anna; and provided through his words the physical growth of Jesus from newly born, to in the arms of another, to being able to render help, and finally to being under the law. This is a "Luke only" passage. None of the other gospel accounts, Matthew, Mark, and John, give us this scene when Jesus is 12 years old. It makes you ask...