I think "it" brain rivals Chemo brain...sermon post...James 5:1-6

Not so flattering picture of me (I am dealing with "it" at the moment) but it is a grand flag. Don't tell my dad but this is his birthday present for making it 91 years! It is completely made in the USA and I am sure he will love putting it out each day, weathering permitting, at his mobile in Florida. He served in the Navy and the Marines and I couldn't think of a better way to start the post with than a reminder of those who serve us in this way. My heart breaks for families who have gotten news of their soldier's ultimate sacrifice this last week and also for those who are searching for ways to get their loved ones home. It makes "it" seem like nothing in the scope of things. This is the company and this is one quality flag. The pole is white ash from Vermont. Not sponsored by them or anyone but check them out if you are looking to replace your flag. https://www.showallegiance.com/ I am looking forward to presenting it to h...