The American church as I see it...sermon post...Revelation 2-3

Here is a beautiful old stone church found in England. It has been a personal goal to insert a stand alone sermon between each of the chapters of our study of the book of James. We have finished chapter 3 so I had the inspiration from a book on what it will take to reform the church written by John MacArthur, a couple video clips from a recent event as way of illustration, and a great quote from the late A.W. Tozer to take me to the highest concentration in the Scriptures dealing with churches, Revelation 2 and 3. I created a chart to speak through these churches and also offer the congregation a way to organize the order in which the Apostle John lays out each church's condition. This is something I will improve on because it was just too much information on the screen. I think this version would work better with offering the corresponding verses and allowing each person to fill in their own words. Hopefully the categories are helpful to understand t...