Finishing up chapter 1 with another great James' illustration...sermon post

I thought this might be an eye catcher. This is Jacob B. Wolfgang, my great, great grandfather who served in the 138th Indiana Infantry in the Civil War. Do you see any resemblance to me? I keep looking at how much hair he has! Maybe I will share soon about my recent search on the Wolfgang side to 1583. I love it when I can make charts and pictures of what the passage is speaking about. We have been building some chains. God's chain has a trial that leads greater spiritual maturity because we are calling on Him for wisdom from above who gives every good and every perfect gift. Man's chain has a trial that leads to sin because we are looking within ourselves for another answer other than His and we suffer the consequences of it. James gives us that beautiful definition of salvation in v.18 and then he gives us another picture of what that salvation looks like lived out. Here are the charts I created. Looking at these now I realize that...