One thing I am grateful for...

I am grateful for many things and people and even during a year like 2020 but a reoccurring one is pictured above. I can't think of going into a community and not making friends with the ministers of the Gospel. I always wish I could spend more time with them but church demands on both sides keep all of us pretty busy. A chat here, a message there, and sometimes a meal together are so precious to me. These men hold down the fort in DownEast Maine. I will miss them in the near future but may God bless them all as faithfully proclaim God's gospel. I thought I would share in this post what I delivered at the taping of gathering. We gathered in a small church, the Holmes Bay Baptist Church, and dissected the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23. Ministers speaking to ministers needs to happen more often. My charge was the fruit of self control. Self Control I was so thankful that I got the easy one! (said with a lot...