
Showing posts from July, 2020

Wednesday in the Word...John 21:7-14...a shoreline breakfast

Here is a great shot from a Canadian fishing site with some satisfied customers.  It is those top notch fishing guide services that offer a shore side meal as a part of the package.  We will see this played out today with the chief cook being Jesus offering up some fresh fruit cooked over a charcoal fire and some warm bread.  This is the set up for a conversation that He, Jesus, wants to have with Peter.   Today's Wednesday in the Word will be covering John chapter 21 and verse 7 through 14, which read, v.7 - Therefore the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord."  So when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put his outer garment on (for he was stripped for work), and threw himself into the sea. The guy on the shore giving the fishermen in the boat advice on how they should fish is Jesus.  John, known as the disciple whom Jesus loved in his gospel, has some good eyesight and points this out to the older Peter....

Wednesday in the Word...John 21:1-6...from empty to full and a sermon post

Have you ever met "that guy" who isn't fishing but he is telling you who is fishing, how to fish?  "That guy" is full of information for you to try while he just looks on.  "That guy" is a little irritating.  Seems funny to put Jesus in the category of "that guy" but that is who He is in this event given to us by John.  The guy on the beach is yelling out what the 7 disciples in the boat should do after a night of "no fish."   Will they listen? Today's Wednesday in the Word takes us into the last chapter of the Gospel of John, chapter 21 and verses 1 through 6 which read, v.1 -  After these things Jesus manifested Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and He manifested Himself in this way.  Jesus has made Himself known to the 10 disciples and the women and then a week later to Thomas.  John, the disciple and gospel writer, make known to us and the original audience of this gospel why we were ...

Wednesday in the Word...John 20:30, 31...the purpose

Today's Wednesday in the Word covers John chapter 20, verses 30 and 31.  We will finish this chapter today and make our way into the final chapter of the Gospel of John next Wednesday, God willing.  These moments make me look back to when I started this study of John through these email and blog devotionals.  It was November 2, 2018.  The motivation was to prepare for a time when I would preach this material from the pulpit and hopefully complete "the quad" (preaching through each of the gospels, chapter by chapter and verse by verse).  Ironically, I am approaching the final chapter of Luke at this time in my pulpit ministry.   For me, it is the creation of some spiritual milestones. I am putting into practice ways to physically measure my progress in becoming a student of the Word and also making this book called the Bible, the book of my life.  This might not be how you would accomplish it but I would encourage you to investigate ...

Sunday reflections...a bit of normalcy...sermon post

Not trying to promote one coffee shop or another or sponsored in any way by this one but this is just a shot of a little bit of more normalcy coming back into my life.  So small but is so big to have a time to be with some guys early in the morning around a "cup of joe."  Granted we will be outside the establishment at a picnic table in the brisk air of Maine but none the less, we will start our work week catching up on each others lives and telling our favorite stories from the weekend.  The whole idea seems small.  A small group, a small event, and a small preparation routine (setting the alarm the night before so I don't miss it)  seen on the outside but in the life of a church, this type of fellowship among God's family is huge!   Maybe this is one of the lessons learned from COVID-19.  The fellowship of the body of Christ is something to be cherished.  It is not only something to be cherished but a tool that God gave us to show His ...

Wednesday in the Word...John 20:26-29...An important conversation between Jesus and Thomas...sermon post too

Back in the saddle again at MVBC!  Last week's sermon is included at the end of this blog post.  I pray for us all to keep in the saddle with our time with the Lord.  It has been easy to fill our days with news of the day rather than the words of our Savior.  May reading this post help us all keep focus to what our true mission is as followers of Jesus Christ. This is such an important conversation between Thomas and Jesus.  It is more than just Thomas' proclamation, "My Lord and My God."  Jesus prepares Thomas and us Christians for what is to come next, people who will believe who have not seen.   Today's Wednesday in the Word covers John chapter 20 and verses 26 through 29, which read, v.26 - After eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them, Jesus came, the doors having been shut, and stood in their midst and said, "Peace be with you." If we remember back a couple weeks, Jesus made His first appearance ...