Wednesday in the Word...John 13:5-11...appropriate decorations for a church in Maine

The picture shows a transformed sanctuary for the month ahead. One of the seasonal industries of the Down East Maine region is the tipping of evergreen trees and the making of wreaths. Semi-loads of them will head to the Arlington Cemetery in Washington, D.C. to decorate the graves of our soldiers. I have a great place to sit at times during this season of hustle and bustle. A place of quiet to view the manger, the cross, and the star while songs speaking of the coming Messiah play in the background. Today's Wednesday in the Word has us back in the Upper Room and picking up the story of Jesus washing His disciples feet. He has risen from the table, laid aside His outer garments, taken up the towel and the basin, and girded Himself to be in a position of service. A reminder again to us to be servants like Christ that we need to do likewise. We rise up to meet a need; we lay aside our agendas; we pick up the tools He has give...