Wednesday in the Word...John 12:29-36...Selective hearing about the Messiah

We have become a nation of sound bytes. We skip to the end of the story or zoom through the video to "the good stuff." I've heard around the church, "I went to the end of the Bible and it says that we win." This is great but it is important to know what happened to make that win possible. We also say, "freedom isn't free" and so it is with our salvation on Jesus' part but He deemed the suffering He would endure as worth it. Today's Wednesday in the Word is John chapter 12 and verses 29 through 36, which read, v.29 - So the crowd of people who stood by and heard it were saying that it had thundered; others were saying, "An angel has spoken to Him." Last Wednesday we ended with God speaking from heaven about Jesus. He has done this before. As with Jesus, God gets some mixed reviews from the crowd. Some thought a storm was coming and others attributed the sound as some type of communication with Jesus. It wa...