Down To The River...6.30.19...Don't be a Pharisee!

Jesus spoke many times directly to the group called the Pharisees. They were the religious elites that were trying to discredit Jesus. They were using the Law to point a finger at Him. Many times the infraction applied had to deal with what Jesus was doing on the Sabbath. In this passage, Jesus gets very personal with the Pharisees who have been listening in to His teaching to His disciples. This radio broadcast will air in Illinois but Lord willing we will be on the road to Maine. I started the radio spot on September 11th of 2016 and I think this is the 146th or 147th episode. It might be my last as the new pastor at Oglesby Union Church will take over the reigns. I am thinking that I might continue a video/audio podcast to go along with the sermon I am giving on any given Sunday. The exercise of reducing my sermon to 4 minutes has been a good exercise for me. I would upload it just as before but it wouldn't be on the ...