Bible reading week 26, day 2

I wish I had a picture to show you of where I was at last night.  It was at a camp for the Kids' Klub organization.  A school year of teaching the children about Jesus comes to a highpoint when some of the children go to camp and have 5 days of hearing about the great King who sent Someone to us who are sinners and separated from Him.  This Someone is a Savior and is sinless and can be the only one who can be our Substitute before the wrath of God.  The camp this year has the theme of wisdom and I divided the word into "wise" and "dome."  Is this wise under the dome of God's kingdom?  You will get to hear a condensed version of my presentation on Sunday's Down To The River radio broadcast on the weekend.  Thankful to be used of God in many different ways.  --Adam--


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