Billy Graham and Bible reading week 9, day 5

Today is an in between chapter devotional as we head into chapter 9 of Ecclesiastes on Monday.  Many things have been written about the late Billy Graham and his funeral is today so I thought I would share one article I have come across.  It is titled, "Billy Graham:  Eight Lessons From The Life & Ministry Of The Greatest Evangelist Of The Twentieth Century" by John Stevens who is the national director of the FIEC, the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches of England and Scotland.  Let me give you the 8 lessons with some thoughts along the way.

1.  Don't ever change the gospel.

I can verify this with my experience because I heard the same message every time I heard Billy Graham.  He was required viewing and hearing when he was on the air.  No other channel existed when Billy Graham was speaking and no other activities were allowed.  At the time I probably wanted to do something else but those times as a family listening to the gospel was important to my spiritual development.  It was consistent every time about a God who loves us and sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins and rise again for our passage to be with God to those who confess and repent.

2.  Preach the gospel with clarity, simplicity and urgency.

Some are reporting that Billy Graham spoke to over 215 million people.  That takes urgency.  What they heard was clear and it was simple.  He never stood up there telling you how great he was but how great God was.  The message of the gospel was the paramount reason for the broadcast.  The music was great and the view of the crowds gathered brought on the feelings of excitement but why they were gathered was to hear the gospel preached.

3.  Change the methods to suit the culture.

Being able to watch someone over many years allows you to see how Billy was before and how he was later.  There was much change in Billy's life and organization but it was change to continue to have the gospel get out.  He used the television; he used the film industry; and he used internet.  He wasn't afraid to see the culture and pull in beside him those who would help him reach that next generation.  He was a man of change of methods but not of the message.

4.  Remember that evangelism is primarily the work of the local church and ordinary Christians.

I was able to help out on a few Billy Graham crusades as being a pastor.  The team came into town and rallied the church leaders to pray for the event.  They helped us organize counselors to meet with those who came forward.  There work force was the local churches and if they didn't feel they had enough churches on board then they didn't come to town.  They knew the success of campaign rested squarely on the shoulders of those who would be left when they left town.  I am thankful for all the materials that the Billy Graham Association has put into our hands, the local church, away from the events to continue our efforts to reach our communities with the gospel.

5.  Guard your personal integrity.

I am just amazed that some make fun of this or try to rationalize around this need to protect oneself from the schemes of the evil one, the devil.  The biggies to any Christian organization is financial and sexual scandals.  We glory God when we use His money His way and for His purposes.  We glory God when we care for His holy created relationship the way He intended it to be.  Because these can do such damage they need to have well fortified guardrails to keep us on that narrow road.

6.  Apply the gospel to obvious social sins.

Billy Graham saw the sin of the world.  He addressed the things of the world that went against the words of the Bible.  He connected the dots and was not afraid to call sin sin and give the solution of sin, a confession to the Savior over sin, Jesus.  His message was to be applied to our whole life not just the church going Sunday part of it or maybe the two weeks of special meetings each year we called camp meeting time.  God's transformation of our lives was going to make a difference in our culture because it was going to halt sins being committed because they were coming under the blood of the Lamb.

7.  Empower and advance others who are more gifted than yourself.

Billy Graham, like others, was looking to the next generation.  He was pulling up on the platform others to preach and encourage.  He built a team around himself that held the same values he did.  He trained other evangelists to come behind him.  He truly looked at others as not just consumers of his messages and rallies but co-laborers of the mission of the Great Commission.  It was no doubt Billy Graham leading but it was also no doubt that a team was with him because he wanted them there and was developing them to be there.  He would speak much about his team.

8.  Remember that God uses the weak things of this world to shame the strong.

A good reading of Billy Graham's story will help you see that this man didn't have a silver spoon in his mouth.  He was someone like the disciples that Jesus picked.  I am sure people were scratching their heads to why Jesus would pick these fishermen, tax collectors, and terrorists and people scratching their heads about this simple man from North Carolina who stood on the platform.  Who is he?  God uses those who seem weak in the worlds eyes and know they are weak before God to do some great things for the glory of Him.  Look at President Abe Lincoln for example.  The principle is to know we are weak even if we seem to the world to be strong because Billy Graham's status changed over time.  He became a powerhouse in the world of Christianity but Billy stayed weak before the Lord so that the strength that was shown was not his own but God's.  

So 8 great lessons learned from Billy Graham's life as he was striving to follow after his Lord.  I know I am very thankful for his example and that I lived in a time to be benefited by His devotion to the gospel message of Jesus.  Let us pray.

"Lord, thank you for faithful ambassadors of You.  Thank You for all those who heard the message through the Billy Graham Team and are serving You all over the world.  May people who view the funeral today again see You rather than just the man but be thankful for You giving us the man.  Amen."

Pastor Adam 


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