Ecclesiastes 7:1-6 says,...Bible reading, week 6, day 3

Today's verses are Ecclesiastes 7:1-6, which read,

v.1 - A good name is better than a good ointment, and the day of one's death is better than the day of one's birth.

Solomon is on his quest to find meaning in life and though he hasn't found it yet, he has found some good things along the way.  He gives another here and that is a good name.  The person who has a good name because of his life of integrity is at an advantage to the one who doesn't have a life of integrity but a long life.  This verse calls it "a good ointment" which would have been some type of medical care to prolong life.  When we die, because we all will as Solomon has said over and over, you will see a difference at the funeral of one who lived that life of integrity over the one who lived a life just for self, the fool.  

At birth we get a name and there is a ceremony or celebration about it.  What will be the outcome of that name?  What will that name stand for?  Names have meanings and some are very noble.  Will the life lived match up to the name given?  The person who has lived a life to produce someone who has a good name will have a funeral that truly celebrates the fact of that type of life rather than just the hope of it at his or her birth.  

v.2-4 - It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, because that is the end of every man, and the living takes it to heart.  Sorrow is better than laughter, for when a face is sad a heart may be happy.  The mind of the wise is in the house of the mourning, while the mind of fools is in the house of pleasure.

Something is learned in the house of mourning.  Sorrow has a purpose.  Solomon is saying that putting ourselves in the presence of mourning and sorrow is a benefit to us.  Funerals are a benefit to us.  They make us face reality not just of death but also of how we are living right now.  So the face can be sad about the loss of someone loved but the heart can be happy about how they lived their lives of integrity.  You are there because of the positive impact that person had on your life.  It puts you in a place to renew that commitment of a life that is outward inside of inward.  

The inward life just goes where people are feasting and filling your face.  The inward life is all about laughter and making sure one is having a good time.  The inward life is all about pleasure and the self satisfaction at the expense of others.  Solomon says that this person who follows these practices is at a deficit to the one who goes to the funeral of the one who has a good name.  What kind of funeral will you have?  Your life preaches your funeral and so you are living now what will be said then.

v.5, 6 - It is better to listen to the rebuke of a wise man than for one to listen to the song of fools.  For as the crackling of thorn bushes under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool; and this too is futility.

Proverbs 13:1 says,

A wise son responds to his father's discipline, but a mocker doesn't listen to rebuke.

Solomon gives us this wisdom again about how important it is to respond to instruction from the wise.  If you are in the presence of the wise then you are going to hear the good and the bad.  If you are in the presence of fools all you are going to hear is the good which could end up being bad for you because they have an agenda to take advantage of you for their benefit.  

Are you putting yourself in front of people who will give you a full and honest answer?  Are you listening to what they are saying?  I hate to hear the negative but if it is someone who is wise and someone who is thinking of me then I need to listen and respond to this information probably more than what I want to hear.  We call it constructive criticism and sometimes it comes from people who just want to give you a piece of their mind and then walk away but the wise are those who share but then stay by your side to walk with you through it.  These kind of people are rare.  When you find one make you way to be in front of them on a regular basis.  Also, be one to others.  

The word picture of the pot on the fire and the thorns which were providing the heat seems to indicate that the thorns made a lot of noise but didn't provide lasting heat.  When you put those pine needles on the fire, there is a lot of noise and flame but it dies out really quick and you have a cold fire again.  The contents of the pot are still cold.  Here is the fool fanning your flame and it sounds good but it lasts only a little while and then you are left there all alone again.  The fool tells you what you want to hear but it isn't what you need to hear and then laughs and crackles as he or she walks away from you.  Maybe this is the picture that is being conveyed here about the fools actions.  

I am sure you have had this experience before.  Someone gets you all excited but it is very short lived.  Don't live that way is Solomon instruction.  That person does not have a good name.  That person is all about self even when it looks like they might be there to help.  They crackle and pop but they burn up fast and leave you with no lasting benefit.  Look and be the person who is that solid piece of oak put on the fire for the night.  A piece that is going to provide heat for the evening and coals found in the morning to build upon.  There you go, another word picture to ponder for the day.  Let us pray.

"Lord, we put so much stock in our happiness and pleasure that we miss the benefits of holiness and possessing a good name.  Help us to listen and respond to wisdom and help us to be people who give wisdom with a staying presence in those who have ears to hear.  Give us some long burning oak friends and may we adhere to what they say and what they do.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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