Proverbs 14:13-16 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 14:13-16, which read,

v.13 - Even in laughter the heart may be in pain, and the end of joy may be grief.

We can hide what is really going on.  We can laugh on the outside but really be crying on the inside.  What looks like joy may be just a show.  This is a perfect place to put that word that even Jesus used, "hypocrite."  We are all hypocrites at times but we shouldn't live the life of a hypocrite or be a practicing hypocrite.  If we are hypocritical at times then we need to confess it and repent of it to turn from those ways and follow after Jesus to be authentic from the inside out.

v.14 - The backslider in heart will have his fill of his own ways, but a good man will be satisfied with his.

The backslider, the one who turns back, in heart, in the inner man and will, will have his fill or be satisfied of his own ways, the direction in which he is going.  The good man, the pleasing and agreeable man, will be satisfied with his and his ways actually describe who he is and who he is following after.  

We are going to be filled with something.  If we walk away from God then we will be satisfied in that path.  If we walk after God then we will be satisfied with His path.  The question would be what are the consequences of these two satisfied paths?  The book of Proverbs is giving us plenty of examples to answer that question.

v.15 - The naive believes everything, but the sensible man considers his steps.

This is an internet verse.  So many people believe something just because it is on the internet.  It gets shared over and over as truth.  I think we are getting a little better understanding that there is a lot of spam out there but many times we will get caught up in the sensational headline and take it hook, line, and sinker.  We are naive.

The sensible man digs a little deeper.  The sensible man uses  He or she doesn't pass on what they don't know to be true.  They take some steps before sharing.  Isn't it amazing how the Bible can speak to something so relevant to our lives today?

v.16 - A wise man is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is arrogant and careless.

The two qualities of the wise man is being cautious and turning away from evil.  To be cautious is to have a reverent fear of what God says about right and wrong and to turn away from evil means exactly that, to depart that path in the opposite direction.  The wise man knows right from wrong because he is in awe of God and then diverts his path when he comes in contact with the wrong.

The two qualities of the fool is being arrogant and careless.  To be arrogant is to pass over what is the right thing to do and being careless is to bypass the trust of following after God's instruction.  

What a contrast as we have seen before.  The fool can hide his condition from others but not from God.  The fool, backslider, and naive may paint a picture that looks all good on the outside but on the inside there is pain and grief because he or she is bypassing God's instruction.  The good, sensible and wise man doesn't paint a picture to cover up anything.  What you see is also what is deep within him or her because they fear the Lord with actions that mirror His instruction.  

I have been hypocritical at times, many times in fact, but may I take those hypocritical times and deal with them God's way.  May I not live the life of a hypocrite for then I would be on a path that is arrogant and careless of God's instruction.  Let's pray.

"Lord, I don't want to put on a show.  I don't want to be living a hypocritical life.  I want to know and apply Your instruction to my life even when I fail and fall.  In those times may I not turn away from You but to You and experience the benefits of being a true follower of You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam 


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