
Showing posts from August, 2013

Knowing vs. Feeling in Worship

Another great lesson from Alaister Begg Knowing vs. Feeling in Worship - good stuff

Powerful documentary to watch about texting and driving...

It Can Wait Check out the link - about 35 minutes worth watching. Adam

Great post about sermons...

Sermons Are Not For Liking Tim Challies 08/07/13 3 I did not set out to be a preacher. Ten years ago I would have laughed out loud if someone had told me that a decade hence I would be a regular in the pulpit. As Iā€™ve slowly acclimated to preaching, I have found myself thinking very differently about sermons. Iā€™ve been listening to sermons all of my life, but only now do I see preaching from the other side of the pulpit, so to speak. It has been very good for me. Today I want to share a lesson Iā€™ve learned that applies primarily to those of us who listen to preaching (as I do, most Sundays, since I am not an every-Sunday kind of preacher). Hereā€™s the lesson: Sermons are not for liking . Sermons are for listening, they are for discerning, they are for applying, but they are not for liking. You donā€™t get to like or dislike a sermon. We tend to ask questions like, ā€œSo how did you enjoy the sermon today?ā€ It is just the wrong question to...