A productive Saturday...

I am thankful for enough mechanical ability to tackle some car repairs.  Pictured is the two rear hub assemblies out of the 2003 Saturn Vue that has about 230,000 miles on it.  These have been changed a few times but this was my turn at it and saving us a ton of money in the process.  I was so glad that I had to tackle the hard one first so that the second one came out in just minutes.  God provides, He just many times uses our hands to see it happen.

So wheel bearing done, taxes done for Steph and I and the boys, the boys fafsa's done, sermon pretty much nailed down, driveway snowblowed as I watch another new layer come down, and a ride on the snowmobile to check our neighbors properties while they are gone.  So yeah I am going to really enjoy a fresh, hot piece of homemade bread coming out of the oven.

So Sunday's sermon is going to be another great time to share what I have been getting from the Lord.  I am playing off the events around the Transfiguration.  I have titled this one, "Coming Off The Mountain", and Jesus actually introduces us to another mountain to look at or deal with.  Jesus has given us the definition of the church, of His followers, what was to come soon, what was to come, and showed Peter, James, and John a sneak peek of glory.  Now Jesus comes down off the mountain to a mess.

This Sunday will introduce about Satan and his demons as we look at Jesus casting out one.  We will also deal with basic Bible translations over time and why there are corrections throughout history.  I like the fact that the Bible is being more accurate as we find older manuscripts closer to the event to base the book upon.  I am also going to talk about the difference between demon possession and demon oppression.  Demon possession is very evident in this passage.  All recognize it.   Demon oppression is not so.  We can have an attack even when we are fully walking with God, take a look at Job.  But we also can create our own environment for demon oppression when we start making excuses and rationalizations of following Satan's voice rather than God's.  Demon oppression is the one that can be hidden very well.  It is what is dealt with much more within the church as we receive instruction on unholiness within the ranks. I can be in God's house but not be listening to God's voice.  There might be a spiritual mountain in your life that needs to be moved.  It is moved by prayer.  The mountain you didn't put there is by prayer and continued obedience to God.  The mountain you allowed there is moved by confession and repentance and prayer to hear God's voice again.

Looking forward to the Lord's Day.



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