
Matthew 10:27-33...Fear not who and fear who?

Image The link above is for the service given last Sunday on this passage of scripture from the Gospel of Matthew.  Jesus is nearing the end of His instruction to His disciples/apostles that He will be sending out.  Here is a crude review of chapter 10 so far. Jesus names His disciples. Jesus moves them from disciples (learners) to apostles (official sent ones). Jesus gives them the ability to do what He has been doing. Jesus tells them the message to give. Jesus tells them what to take and not to take. Jesus tells them where to go and who to go to. Jesus tells them where to stay. Jesus tells them of the responses of receiving and rejecting. Jesus tells them how to respond to the responses. Jesus focuses on how to deal with rejection. Jesus tells them of the 4 areas of persecution:  religious authorities, governing authorities, family and all of society Jesus tells them not to fear them. This passage focuses on this ...

Matthew 10:16-26...4 resistances

  I will get back to this picture in a little bit.  Just enough to say this was my snowshoeing guide for a new ridge one morning last week. Jesus is continuing to instruct His disciples, now apostles, on what they will find on their missionary journey.  They have went from being students and learners of Rabbi Jesus to being official representatives of His being sent out on a mission with a message.  They would speak on behalf of Rabbi Jesus with His very words.  What would they find? After telling them what region to go to; what people to speak to; what to take and not take; where to stay; and the responses they will get; Jesus zeroes in on the rejection response.  Being received would be easy, just stay and set up camp.  The rejection response to them as an official ambassador of Rabbi Jesus and also rejecting His very words was to shake the dust from your sandals and move on.  Don't come home and don't give up but rather let it be a testimony to...

Matthew 10:5-15...Jesus teaches minimalism

  See the lone pine tree coming up from the rock island?  This is Lone Pine Lake in the RMNP and it was named after a lone pine tree on that island.  I think the original pine tree died but another came up in its place or was planted there.  A minimalist of one in a land of an abundance of pine trees.  I think minimalism is not only about having less or only what you need but also being more focused on what you have.  You tend to care for those things you have decided to keep because they are all that you have.  Life was very different when the kids were growing up and at times there were 3 or 4 cars on the property.  When you reduce to 1 you treat that vehicle very differently and maintain it more meticulously.  You zero in on one type of engine, one size of tires, and one manual. Jesus is giving His disciples, now called apostles, instructs that help them to focus on what is ahead of them.  He wants them to be prepared by following wha...